StoresWiki as the name says is a wiki of stores. It’s a network of retail stores and outlets providing various kinds of services. At StoresWiki, you can start your online store at no time at all. As a store or a retail business owner, you can create your store in minutes. StoresWiki does the rest for you. It’s a cross platform next generation system which is centralized to everyone. Once you create your store, it’s available to millions of customers through mobile application and world wide web. StoresWiki provide you the facility of managing your store through separate admin panel where you can manipulate information related to products, categories, attributes, customers, deliveries and reports. It’s based on B2C (Business to Customer), B2B (Business to Business) and C2C (Consumer to Consumer) models. Your customer can visit your store either through mobile app or by World Wide Web. StoresWiki is easy, cheap, robust and user friendly. It’s an ultimate way of increasing your daily sales. It’s hassle-free, powerful and needs no technical knowledge of coding or designing. We took great care while developing such system by keeping in view the non-technical nature of business owners and their customers. StoresWiki is intelligent and fast. We designed and crafted it to excellence. By using StoresWiki, you are directly involved in catching customers as we designed the system on shared-marketing and shared-advertisement basis. Your business is advertised free of cost on other stores which directly catch customers. There are tons of other benefit we would like you to know. Please visit “Features”, “Services” and “What” sections to know more. We hope you enjoy your stay at StoresWiki.
StoresWiki is a social network of eCommerce. It is a repository of outlets, brands, shops, and businesses. StoresWiki is easy to use on all major platform i.e. Web, mobile and desktop. Its a next generation cross platform and cross devices system where users are able to make their business online in minutes that is available on web, mobile and desktop simultaneously. StoresWiki is designed on concept of Business-To-Business and Business-To-Customer collaboration. All businesses on single platform across devices and accessibility platforms means that all customers of every business, outlet and brand come to this one single point. This makes StoresWiki a hot point for marketers and advertisers to take benefit of free of cost marketing and advertising. StoresWiki's store management module is a diverse system of product management, categorization, reports, order and delivery management as well as customer tracking and management. It gives you the freedom no matter what business are you related to or what nature of product you are dealing with; StoresWiki is independent of specifications.
At StoresWiki, every business is a self managed, self driven automated business while at the same time interacting with others to shape a community of businesses. At the core of StoresWiki, investors can utilize StoresWiki intelligent reports for targeting key sectors of commerce whether virtual or physical. We, at StoresWiki, are studying anonymous data and making analytical reports that predicts about product and trending markets at global level. Every feature of a product defined is under observation for purpose of data mining.
Why Should Invest in StoresWiki?
StoresWiki has a bright future in Pakistan. Pakistan with a population of nearly 200 Million has the potential to give StoresWiki a remarkable stand up in the market of eCommerce. StoresWiki, withits cross platform and cross devices nature, is targeting a population of over 18 Million in Pakistan who has the ability and feasibility to use 3G/4G internet while 29 Million for overall internet Users. StoresWiki comprehensive order and delivery system is easy enough to be used by mobile/internet users. With an average 10-15% growth rate per month for year 2015, Pakistan's 3G/4G population has the ability to reach 50 Million by end of 2018 thus giving a tremendous opportunity for the growth of eCommerce industry as mobile devices has added much to its growth already.
We, at StoresWiki, are targeting 1000 outlets by end of 2018 with an average 1000 items per business which makes it a repository of 1 Million+ items. With its payment modes of subscription, per transaction, advertisement and marketing on mobile and web, StoresWiki has substantial opportunities for return of investment in quick successions as well as yielding profits of huge margins.
Mobile/Gaming, Food/Dining/Groceries, Travel/Delivery, Internet/Web, Others