
Nurturing Youth Potential




Rahnumai is an online Consultancy and Universal University Admission Application portal, aiming to be the hub connecting the students with the educational institutions


In Pakistan, college students do not know when, how and where to apply for university studies? Firstly, they do not have the knowledge about the application deadlines of the universities. Secondly, if they are applying to many universities, it becomes difficult for them to keep travelling to other cities in order to apply in different universities, especially in case of females students. Parent do not usually allow their daughters to keep travelling to other cities to apply in different universities. Also, financially-constrained students cannot keep spending on the travelling costs to the other cities. It is unfortunate that most of the educational institutions in Pakistan do not even have the online application system on which the students could apply.

This is where Rahnumai jumps in facilitating the students providing them an online platform where they could apply to the University of their Choice. Students need to sign up and we take care of their deadlines for as much universities they show interest in through dashboard,sms and emails. 

Female students will be the ones who will benefit this service the most. They will save time, costs, long lines at universities and banks and the concerns of their parents and society thus resulting in higher enrollment of the female students in the higher education. Male students will also be getting same perks and will thus benefit in the same way.


Education/Creative, Technology, Reservation/Booking/Ticketing, Internet/Web


Hafiz Awais Afzal


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