Entrepreneurial Mindset!

JumpStart Pakistan is an initiative through which you can play your part in changing Pakistan. If you want to be part of this initiative, our only requirement is for you to have an Entrepreneurial Mindset!


Come up with ideas

The only way you can generate wealth is through Entrepreneurship, but that is not the only aspect - more importantly you solve problems. There is a sizable population of Pakistan where malnutrition is alarmingly becoming a serious issue. These people have not been able to feed themselves and their families due to food inflation and lack of job opportunities. Rather than relying on governmental ideals or NGOs, nobody has come forward with an entrepreneurial mindset to come up with ideas to produce multivitamins for poor families, no one has suggested and sold tomato seeds to these families cheaply so they can grow tomato plants in their back yard and have a free supply of tomatoes into the next season when everyone will be selling them in market place at almost double the price of tomatoes sold in London. The options are abundant and clear to entrepreneurs who want to enrich Pakistan.

Create Extra Jobs

This is just the problem-solving part, but the company you will establish to manufacture multivitamins cheaply or to establish a supply chain for tomato seeds will create extra jobs, which will help the state of Pakistan as a whole. It is now up to you on how you devise a compensation plan so it also takes care of the wellbeing of your employees.